Name : Sri Ashok Kumar Singh
Father Name : Late Awadhesh Kumar Singh
Address : Village and Post- Marori, Block- Jalaun, Distt. Jalaun-285128
Previous status of the farmers :
- Status of farmer: Farmer Sri Ashok Kumar having 13 acre of culticvable land but he was not getting production as per his expectation. His land was lacking organic matter as he used to use chemical fertilizer in high amount and therefore getting loss.
- Crop rotation/cropping intensity/cropping system/farmers system: Sri Ashik Kumar was able to take single crop in a year so that cropping intensity was 100% and in cropping system he used to take of single crop or gram/pea/masoor in some part and some used to take wheat. Except this farmer system he was also keeping cattle.
- Total area/ cultivable area: Sri Ashok Kumar Singh having 15 acre (and out of which in 2 ha) there is garden of Aonla and sowing 13 ha growing crop.
- IV. Year of linkage with KVK and University: C.S.A.U.A. & T., Kanpur established KVK in 2005 in the same year to November he came in contact with KVK Scientist.
- Source of Income : Main source of income of the Mr. Ashok Kumar is agriculture and gardening and dairying.
Present Status of the Farmer :
- Change in Agriculture : Due to lack in organic matter in land Sri Ashok Kumar was not getting good production. In 2005, after getting connected with KVK scientist he got tested his soil and after seeing result KVK scientist addressed use vermicompst. He got to 5 days training on view compost production and established unit, used vermicompost in his land. He got unexpected resukts production got enhanced and organic matter of land also get improved. He is taking two crops in a year and also producing vermicomost commercially.
Total vermicompost production in year :
2007-08 - 250 q
2008-09 - 500 q
2009-10 - 1000 q
2010-11 - 2000 q
2011-12 - 2500 q
He sells compost to DASP scheme Sultanpur Amethi and Deputy Director Agriculture Kanpur and Soil Conservation department Jalaun to 400 q.
- Change in Cultivable Area : Income got from selling land and how he was having 19 acre land and taking two crops in a year.
- Role University / KVK in relation to the changes : With the help of centre he was provided loan of 3 lakh 86 thousand by Khadi and gram Udyog, Jalaun. KVK given five days training on vermicompost preparation and then helped him in preparing 80x80 m vermin bed and 12x50 m ber and also provided him worms Icenia, Foetida spp. Along with this KVK scientist give in technological assistance time to time.
- Technology : Earlier studied prepare vermin compost in pit so due to formation of methane gas verms get died. After that KVK scientist given technical assistance and bed was prepared in plane cover bed through jute bags to conserved water.

Annual income/expenditure data /net profit :
Cost (Rs.) : Rs. 350000/- year
Production (q) : 2000/year
Rate (Rs/q) : Rs. 400/-
Income (Rs) : Rs, 10 lakh / year
Net Income (Rs) : 4.5 lakh/year
Changes of Life Standard : After all expenses Rs. 4.50 lakh net income he is getting along with this cropping intensity enhanced up to 2.14%. All loans from Khadi and Gramodyog was repayed and due to use of intensive agricultural practices also get enhanced. His son Abhishek has completed his MCA and got a job in HCL and credit goes to income got from vermicompost. Sri Singh 2nd son Arvind has completed BE and deputed as Asstt. Engineer in Era Company and daughters are getting high education. Sri Singh social and economic standard enhanced qualitatively and this become good employment for Sri Singh.

General Information About the Farmers
Name of Farmer : Shri Shyam Sunder Kushwaha
Father’s Name : Shri Chhakki Lal
Full Address : Village & Post Akorhi Dubey, Block-Jalaun, Disst.- Jalaun-285123
Previous Status of the Farmer :
- Status Farmer : Farmer Shri Shyam Sunder Kushwaha was simple living with his family at Village Akorhi Dubey. Farmer had one hectare cultivated field. In which field was grow crops chickpea/fieldpea/wheat in Rabi season by Monocropping system. In pulses crop at Rabi season were attacked by wilt disease and pod borer insect result damaged crops. Low output received compaire to input. Farmer livelihood was sold some quantal seed in local market.
- Crop Rotation/cropping intensity/cropping system/Farming system : Farmer Shyam Sunder had only one hectare own cultivated field. In which was grow only one crops in years in one year. Farmer was occupied 100% cropping intensity in his field. He was cultivated in his field in a year grow such like chickpea/fieldpea/wheat in cropping system. In Agricultural System he was keeping milky animals with crop cultivation. Some milk sold in locally than expenditure of house.
- Total Area/cultivable area : Farmer Shyam Sunder was doing in own one hectare area in which cultivation. Whole area was cultivated and grow crop on his field.
- Year of linkage with KVK and university:- K.V.K. stabilized in Disst. Jalaun at 2005 by C.S.A.U. & A.K. Kanpur. Shyam Sunder Kushwaha contacted with scientist of centre in April 2006.
- Sources of Income : Main income of Shyam Sunder Kushwaha occupied from Agricultural and Milky animal. Some seed and milk sold in locally than livelihood with his family in village.
Present status of the farmer :
- Changes in Agriculture : Before Shyam Sunder Kushwaha grow in a year only one crop at Rabi season such like chickpea/field pea/wheat after contact with scientist of centre in April 2006. By Scientists gave some suggestion of farmer that you can grow to Moong bean crop in season of zaid and kharif. While there were not grow any crop in Zaid and kharif season because affected by Anna Pratha. Moong variety PDM-139 (Samrat) Purchased from I.I.P.R. Kanpur by centres Scientist and gave to farmer for grow in one Acre Area. He believed confident than extension in one hectare area at zaid season of Moong crop. Then he produced to 12.5 quantal seed of moong from one hectare area in zaid season.
- Changes in Cultivable Area : Shyam Sunder Kushwaha had only one hectare cultivated field and grow some crop in those field. Than livelihood with his family in village. His income increase from moong crop than take seven hectare cultivated area in cash to other villagers. Today he is crop growing in eight hectare area at Rabi, kharif and zaid season respectively. In this village cultivated grow moong crop kharif and zaid by other farmers. Now today increase area under this crop in 55 hectares. In 31st January 2007 visited this village by Dr. V.K. Soori, Ex. vice-chancellor of CSAU & AT., Kanpur after this also visited in 22nd August 2007 by Dr. Chandrika Prasad Yadav Ex. D.G. UPCAR to grow of moong bean crop by farmer’s in the village.
- Role of university and KVK in Relation to the changes : He has gain high level training with co-operation by KVK’s Scientist, By Centre Scientist trained to farmer to manage the wilt disease, leaf and pod borer. In ‘learning by doing’ system trained to farmer seed and soil treatment with fungicide, insecticide and Rhizobium culture. To gave farmer’s new variety of moong been PDM-139 (Samrat) by centre Scientist’s and give advice to farmer of irrigation to moong bean crop in zaid season by scientists from sprinkler system. In this time famer cropping intensity about 248%.

Technology :
- Technique give to farmer seed treatment with fungicide, insecticide and Rhizobium culture by center’s scientists.
- Farmer advice for manage termite and leaf borer with themate 10 G, 10 kg/ha used in crop.
- To advice farmer balance fertilizer management in crop after soil testing than Scientist advice to farmer 20-25 kg N, 60 kg phosphorus and 30 kg sulphur apply in moong been crop.
- To promote new variety of moong bean PDM-139 (Samrat) in which farmers field.

Economically Analysis :
Annual Income / Expenditure Date / Net Profit
Expenditure (Rs/ha) : 20,000/-
Yield (seed) Q/ha : 10-12
Seed rate/Q : 4,000/-
Gross Income/ha : 40,000-48,000
Net Profit/ha : 20,000-28,000
Changes of life standard : Farmer income is 20 to 28 thousand rupees all expenditures. The farmer income has been increase from moong bean crop than take seven hectare cultivated area in cash to other villagers. Today he is growing of crop in eight hectare area in Rabi, kharif and zaid season respectively. Now increasing income today than his children’s studying in good professional schools at Urai Disst. Head quarters of Jalaun by Agricultural operations resulted financially and socially status of family has been rized. Also this is a good employment facility in village for farmer.